Auditions will take place at 1600 Emory Rd Upperco MD
Auditions are September 13 and Callbacks are September 14
Performances will take place in Westminster, MD on December 13, 14, and 15
For auditions, please prepare 16-32 bars of a nursery rhyme or a song from an animated movie (character voices are highly encouraged) AND one of the monologues below:
Note: If you are interested in the “vocalist” role, feel free to use your own instrument instead of a backing track.
Christopher Robin: Good morning [afternoon, evening]! I’m Christopher Robin and all of my friends in “100 Aker Wood” are going to tell you a very special story. It’s a story in which all of us help Eeyore-you all know Eeyore, don’t you? (Wait for response.)-Good!-we all help Eeyore have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Eeyore: I know it is and I was especially hoping to have a very Merry Christmas this year. But I guess I’m in for just another “same ol’ Christmas and sameol’ New Years.”Pathetic, that’s what it is. Pathetic.
Piglet: Oh dear, the whole world must have blown up. (He peeps out from behind his hands.) Or maybe I’ve been blown off to the moon or someplace. Well, even if I’m on the moon, I don’t need to be facing downwards all the time. (He gets up cautiously and looks about him.) Oh, how nice, I’m still in the Forest. But I wonder what that bang was. And where’s my balloon? And what’s that small damp rag lying there on the ground? Oh, dear. Oh, dearie, dearie, dear. (He picks up the piece of balloon.) Well, it’s too late now. I can’t go back, and, besides, I haven’t an-other balloon anyway. Perhaps Eeyore doesn’t like balloons so very much…
Pooh: Oh, dear, it’s all gone. And after I promised Christopher Robin I wouldn’t eat anymore between meals. Well, maybe if I do some of my stoutness exercises, he won’t notice. (He does two or three attempts at trying to touch his toes.) There now, that should do it. Now where was I going? Ah, yes, Eeyore. (He looks at his empty pot.) Oh, bother! What have I done? It’s licked clean…EMPTY! Now what am I going to do? I must give him something. Well, it’s a very nice pot, even if there isn’t any honey in it, and if I washed it clean, Eeyore could keep things in it, which might be useful.
Rabbit: Well, if you must know, Kanga talks too much…about Roo, I mean. Why she’s so wrapped up in that kid of hers, and she never lets him out of her sight. Had that big pocket made to carry him around in. To hear Kanga tell it, you’d think Roo was the only baby in the whole world. Well, what about my relations! I’ve got relations too, you know.
Tigger: (Spoken.) Can you fly? Why higher than a kite can. Squirrels do it so why not I? Even skate, a little WHEN IT’S ICY ON THE LAKE AND THE WATER’S NOT BRITTLE. Man! Swifter than a snake can SLINKING ALL THE WAY FROM HERE TO THERE. And bound and bounce! Even trounch a little SO YOU BETTER ANNOUNCE THAT I’M COMIN’THROUGH! ‘Cause I’m me
Kanga: Eeyore’s tail? No, I haven’t. Is it lost? What a shame. That must be quite a worry for Eeyore, poor dear. And so near Christmas, too. Well, I would help you in your search but I must get Roo home and give him something to eat. He hasn’t had his lunch yet, poor darling. I just decided that since it was such a beautiful and brisk day, we would go out for a brief hop and jump to work up our little appetites. (ROO starts jumping up and down.) Stop that, Roo. But I’m sure he’s starving by now, aren’t you, darlikins? Isn’t my precious little darling just about starved? Stop jumping up and down, Roo. So you must excuse me. I’ll keep my eyes open for Eeyore’s tail on our way home and if I do find it I’ll send it straight to you, Christopher Robin. Come along, Roo-pikins. (KANGA exits.)
Owl: Oh, I just came across it in the forest. It was hanging over a bush, and I thought at first somebody lived there, so I rang it but nothing happened, so, I rang it again, very loudly this time, and it came off in my hand, so, as it was a very handsome bell-rope and nobody seemed to want it, I brought it home. And there it is.
All roles are available (all ages and genders welcome to audition) and include:
Christopher Robin – preferably someone 13 years of age or younger
Winnie the Pooh
Vocalist – plays an instrument to help lead the audience in song
Do you have any of the following special skills? If so, please make note of them on your Audition Form:
Pogo Stick
Character Voices
British Dialect
Tap Dance
Ability to play a musical instrument
Prior to your audition, please fill out the following forms:
If you cannot attend in person auditions, you can submit a video audition! Video auditions are due September 12 by 11:59pm.
For video auditions, please record the above requirements (monologue and song) and send them to us at [email protected]